Disney verliert UDRP-Verfahren um Aladdin-Domains
Disney Enterprises, Inc. ging gemeinsam mit Marvel Characters, Inc. im Wege des UDRP-Verfahrens gegen die Inhaber der Domainnamen „aladdinonbroadway.com“, „aladdinthemusical.com“, „aladdinmusical.com“, „disneymeetup.com“, „disneyonbroadway.net“, „disneythemusical.com“, „mickeymouseonbroadway.com“, „spider-manonbroadway.com“, „spider-manthemusical.com“, „spidermanonbroadway.net“, „tangledonbroadway.com“, „thedisneydream.com“ und „thedisneyfantasy.com“ vor und unterlag teilweise (sog. „Split Decision“) hinsichtlich der Aladdin-Domains (Disney Enterprises, Inc. and Marvel Characters, Inc. v. Greg Bienstock / Scott Stock / Scott Bienstock, NAF Claim No. 1475077). Das Schiedsgericht ging in diesem Zusammenhang davon aus, dass zwischen den Domainnamen „aladdinonbroadway.com“, „aladdinthemusical.com“ und „aladdinmusical.com“ und der Marke „ALADDIN’S MAGIC CARPET RIDE“ keine Verwechslungsgefahr im Sinne von § 4(a)(i) der UDRP bestünde:
It must now be decided whether the disputed domain names are confusingly similar to the registered trademark ALADDIN’S MAGIC CARPET RIDE. The word “Aladdin” is a generic one in a sense in that it refers to the well-known children’s story of a Middle-Eastern boy, Aladdin, and his magic lamp. The Complainant’s evidence of a common-law trademark for the word comes nowhere near the standard required for proof of a common-law trademark and therefore cannot be taken into account. So the test is whether the words ‘MAGIC CARPET RIDE’ added to the word ‘ALADDIN’S’ is sufficient to show that the Alladin disputed domain names are confusingly similar to the sole trademark.
In the Panel’s view, they are not because of the generic quality of the word Aladdin and the added words of the registered mark which seem to be directed towards a production bearing the rather lengthy name, ALADDIN’S MAGIC CARPET RIDE. The fact that there are many other trademarks not owned by the Complainant incorporating the word “ALADDIN” emphasises the generic quality of the word.
Accordingly, the Panel concludes that the three Aladdin disputed domain names <aladdinonbroadway.com>, <aladdinthemusical.com>, <aladdinmusical.com> are not confusingly similar to a mark in which the Complainant has rights and that the Complaint must fail in respect of those disputed domain names.
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