WIPO: Überblick über UDRP-Panelentscheidungen
Die WIPO hat ihr Informationsangebot im Hinblick auf die UDRP erweitert. Hinzugekommen ist der WIPO Overview of WIPO Panel Views on Selected UDRP Questions.
This overview is created in recognition of the need that has been expressed to identify, as much as possible, consensus among UDRP decisions, so as to maximize the consistency of the UDRP system. It should be understood that, with UDRP decisions covering a multitude of facts and arguments, genuine differences of opinion may be difficult to avoid on particular issues, all the more so where panelists and parties come from a multitude of jurisdictions. However, it is hoped that this update on the UDRP experience will be found helpful by identifying views expressed by panels and providing decisions which help to put those views in context.
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